Priceless, Precious Peace

In the quiet corners of your mind

Where whispers of peace you seek to find

Let go of burdens that weigh you down

For in serenity, true wealth is found


The heart knows what the mind may doubt

That peace is the treasure we can't live without

Release the ties that bind you tight

And step into the warmth of the light


When shadows of stress cloud your day

Remember, health is the wealth that stays

Prioritize the calm, the gentle, the kind

For in this choice, true freedom you'll find


Let go of those who dim your glow

For in their absence, your spirit will grow

No contact with those who bring you strife

Is a gift you give to your own life


The world is vast, with wonders untold

Yet peace of mind is the purest gold

Embrace the silence, the stillness, the grace

And find your sanctuary in this sacred space


In the dance of life, choose your own song

Let it be one where you truly belong

For in the harmony of a peaceful heart

Lies the strength to make a fresh start


Cherish your peace, hold it dear

For it's the compass that will steer

Through the storms and trials you face

To a life of joy, love, and grace

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Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-Embrace the Quiet

-Let Them Drift

-The Power of Pause

-The Essence of Joy

-Peace in the Pause

-Fill Your Cup

-Guarding Your Grace

-Pause and Breathe

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