The Light Will Always Shine

In shadows deep, where secrets lie

The dark will try to veil the sky

It whispers lies, it weaves its tale

But light will pierce, it will prevail


The dark may swat, it may resist

But light persists, it can't be missed

For every shadow, every shade

The light reveals what’s been portrayed


Masks may hide, and strings be pulled

Yet truth will rise, it can't be dulled

The hidden things will come to light

True colors shown, in day or night


The dark may tempt with its disguise

But light unveils, it never lies

It shines on all, it clears the haze

Revealing truth in brilliant rays


Fear not dark, nor its deceit

For light will triumph, it can't be beat

Hold fast to truth, let it ignite

For in the end, the light is right


Though darkness tries to dim the glow

The light will always let us know

That what is hidden can't remain

The light will shine through every pain


Trust in light, let it be your guide

For in its glow, you cannot hide

The dark will fade, it cannot last

The light will triumph, shadows cast


Embrace the light, let it reveal

The truth within, the wounds to heal

For in the light, we find our way

And darkness flees, it cannot stay


The light will always find a way

To shine through night, to bring the day

Hold it close, let it be your might

For in the end, the light is right

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Be sure to check out all of our creative chronicles!

Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-Look for the Silver Lining

-Light in the Dark

-A Beacon Bright

-Reignite the Flame Inside

-Embrace Your Own Light

-Be the Light

-Finding Light in the Storm

-Shine On Authentically

-Ripples of Light

-Follow Your Joy

-Let Light Be Your Guide

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