Whispers of the Soul

In the depths of the unknown, a call resounds

A whisper of truth where silence abounds

A heart's yearning, a soul's quest

To find the self, to be truly blessed


The shadows of doubt, they linger near

Yet a voice within beckons, crystal clear

A journey of courage, a path untold

Where mysteries unravel, and dreams unfold


In the mirror of time, reflections dance

A glimpse of the self in a fleeting glance

The past and present, they intertwine

Guiding the heart to a place divine


The winds of change, they softly sing

A melody of hope, a promise of spring

The frozen heart begins to thaw

As the truth within reveals its awe


Embrace the unknown, let fear subside

For within the self, the answers reside

A tapestry of light, woven with care

A journey of discovery, beyond compare


The call of the wild, the song of the soul

A symphony of life, a story untold

In the dance of the stars, a truth profound

The self emerges, unbound, unbound


In the heart of the storm, a calm prevails

A beacon of light where darkness fails

The journey of self, a sacred quest

To find the truth, to be truly blessed


So, heed the call, let the journey begin

For within the self lies the strength to win

In the embrace of the unknown, find your way

And let the light of truth guide your day

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Check out some of our other poems:

-Listen to Your Heart

-Discover Your Voice

-A Beacon Bright

-A New Dawn for You

-Reignite the Flame Inside

-Embrace the True You

-The Courageous Call