Yearnings of the Heart

In the quiet chambers of the heart

Where dreams and desires softly start

A whisper echoes, tender and true

Of all the things it wishes to pursue


It longs for love, pure and bright

A beacon in the darkest night

A hand to hold, a soul to share

A partner who will always care


It yearns for peace, calm and still

A gentle breeze on a rolling hill

A place where worries fade away

And joy can flourish every day


It wishes for hope, steadfast and strong

A melody in life's sweet song

A light that guides through stormy seas

And brings the heart to gentle ease


It desires dreams, vast and grand

A castle built on golden sand

A vision of what life could be

If only we dare to dream freely


It craves kindness, warm and true

A touch that heals, a love that grew

A world where hearts are open wide

And compassion is our constant guide


It longs for laughter, light and free

A symphony of purest glee

A joy that bubbles up inside

And spreads its wings both far and wide


It seeks courage, bold and brave

A strength that helps the soul to save

A fire that burns within the chest

And pushes us to be our best


It wishes for wisdom, deep and wise

A clarity that clears the skies

A knowledge that can light the way

And help us grow with each new day


It desires freedom, wild and true

A sky that's vast, a sea that's blue

A life unbound by fear or chain

Where we can dance in sun and rain


It yearns for beauty, pure and bright

A world that's filled with endless light

A tapestry of colors grand

A masterpiece by nature's hand


In the heart's serene, quiet space

Where dreams and desires gently embrace

These tender wishes, pure and true

Reflect all the heart aspires to pursue

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