A Wounded Soul and Shattered Dreams

In the quiet corners of a heart once whole

Lies the echo of love, now a distant toll

Promises given, now scattered in the breeze

A symphony of sorrow, begging for release


The world spins on, indifferent and cold

While memories linger, stories untold

A tapestry of moments, woven with care

Now unraveled threads, left bare


The weight of words, once tender and sweet

Now heavy chains, binding feet

In the silence, a storm brews within

A battle of heart, where to begin


The cruel hand of fate, unjust and unkind

Leaves scars on the soul, hard to unwind

Yet in the darkness, a flicker of light

A whisper of hope, urging to fight


For in the ashes of what once was

Lies the seed of strength, just because

Though the heart aches, and tears may fall

Resilience rises, standing tall


The journey of healing, a winding road

With valleys of pain, and burdens to unload

Yet with each step, the heart learns to mend

Finding solace in time, a faithful friend


The cruel treatment, a lesson in disguise

A chance to grow, to rise and realize

That love, though lost, leaves a mark

A guiding star in the endless dark


Let the echoes of heartbreak sing

A melody of growth, a new beginning

For in the struggle, the heart finds its way

To brighter tomorrows, no matter how far, and a brand new day

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