Beyond the Glittering Guise

In a world where reflections reign supreme

Where every glance is a self-esteemed dream

The mirror's embrace, a siren's call

Echoes of vanity, where shadows fall


Society's stage, a grand masquerade

Where masks of perfection are carefully laid

Enabling whispers, a chorus of lies

While the truth in silence quietly dies


The narcissist's charm, a dazzling facade

A dance of deception, a cunning charade

Their words like honey, sweet to the ear

Yet leaving the heart in a state of fear


Victims are silenced, their voices unheard

Drowned by the echoes of the narcissist's word

In a world that applauds the bold and the brash

The gentle and kind are left in the ash


Why do we praise the glittering guise

While the genuine soul is met with despise?

Why do we nurture the seeds of deceit

While the roots of truth wither in defeat?


The mirror reflects a society's flaw

A culture that worships the self without awe

Where empathy's whispers are lost in the din

And the cries of the wounded are buried within


Yet beneath the surface, a quiet revolt

A yearning for truth, a longing to bolt

From the chains of illusion, the shackles of pride

To a place where authenticity can reside


Let us break free from the mirror's spell

And listen to stories the silenced can tell

For in their voices, a wisdom profound

A reminder that true beauty is found


In the courage to stand, to speak and to see

Beyond the reflection, to what we can be

A society that cherishes the heart and the soul

Where the light of compassion makes us whole


So let us rise, with a vision anew

To a world where the many, not the few

Are celebrated for who they truly are

A tapestry of humanity, shining like a star


In the mirror's embrace, let us find our way

To a future where love and truth hold sway

Where the narcissist's shadow fades to gray

And the light of kindness leads the way

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-Seeing and Believing

-Awareness Awakened

-Let Them Drift

-The Mask Unveiled

-Cut Through the Veil

-The Mirror's Whisper

-Guarding Your Grace

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