Free Your Spirit

In the shadows of yesterday's embrace

Lies the weight of a past we must face

Patterns etched in the sands of time

Hold us captive, in rhythm and rhyme


Yet within us, a spark yearns to ignite

To break free from the chains, take flight

A whisper of hope, a gentle call

To release the burdens, let them fall


The mind, a garden of thoughts untamed

Can shift and change, never the same

Perception, a lens through which we see

The world anew, where we can be free


Why hold onto pain, to what no longer serves?

When joy awaits, in life's gentle curves

The here and now, a gift to embrace

To dance with the present, at our own pace


Old patterns, like leaves, wither and fade

Making room for the new, unafraid

The spirit, a river, flowing with grace

Guides us to a brighter, boundless space


Let go of the past, its heavy chains

For in release, only freedom remains

The heart, unburdened, beats with delight

In the present moment, taking flight


The journey begins with a single shift

A change in mindset, a precious gift

To free the spirit, to soar and explore

A life of abundance, forevermore


So, open your heart, let the old ways go

Embrace the now, let your true self show

For in the present, joy is found

In the here and now, we are unbound

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Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-Embrace Bliss

-Unyielding Spirit

-Living True and the Heart's Compass

-Freedom in Being Genuine

-Nurture the Garden of Your Dreams

-Follow Your Joy

-Choose to Rise

-Promise of Possibility

-The Promise of New Beginnings

-Tune Into Positivity and Appreciation

-Your Future Awaits

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