In the garden of your heart, where dreams reside
Focus not on weeds that grow, but on seeds you hide
For what you water, what you tend, will surely bloom
In the fertile soil of hope, dispelling gloom
Turn your gaze from shadows, from what you disdain
Let the light of your desires wash away the pain
Plant the seeds of kindness, of love, and of grace
In the garden of your soul, create a sacred space
Where your energy flows, there life will take root
In the gentle whisper of the wind, hear the truth
Nurture the blossoms of joy, let them unfurl
In the vibrant tapestry of your inner world
Do not dwell on thorns, on the brambles that sting
For every rose has its thorns, yet still it sings
Focus on the fragrance, the beauty it brings
In the garden of your dreams, let your spirit take wing
Tend to your garden with care, with tender hands
For the harvest you reap is what your heart commands
In the dance of the seasons, let your dreams grow
In the garden of your soul, let your true self show
Embrace the cycle of life, the ebb and the flow
In the garden of your dreams, let your spirit glow
For what you plant and nurture will surely thrive
In the garden of your heart, let your dreams come alive

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