Rediscovery and Revival

In shadows cast by days gone by

A soul once bright now seeks the sky

Lost in echoes of what used to be

Yearning for a glimpse of the true "me"


The heart, a compass, points the way

Through tangled paths where memories sway

Yet in the quiet, whispers call

To rise anew, to stand tall


In the mirror, a stranger's face

Yet deep within, a familiar grace

The journey back to self begins

With every step, the spirit wins


Let go of chains that bind the past

Embrace the change, the die is cast

For in the shedding of old skin

A vibrant life can now begin


The world awaits with open arms

With lessons learned and newfound charms

In every tear and every smile

Discovering self is worth the trial


The heart beats strong, a steady drum

Guiding the soul to where it's from

In the dance of life, find your place

With courage, love, and endless grace


Take the leap, embrace the fall

For in the depths, you'll find it all

The path to self is never straight

But oh, the joy that does await


In every dawn, a chance to see

The wondrous truth of being free

To find yourself, to truly be

Is the greatest gift, the key to "me"

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-Precious Diamond in the Rough

-Butterfly Transformation

-Listen to Your Heart

-Embrace the Gold

-Let Them Flow

-The Courage to Choose

-Reignite the Flame Inside

-Whispers of Worth

-The Promise of Spring