Stand Firm in Integrity

In a world where whispers often fade,

Stand firm, let your truth cascade

Hold tight to values, let them shine,

In the face of shadows, draw the line


Speak with courage, voice the light,

Even if it disrupts the night

For truth may sting, but it will heal,

Unmasking illusions, making them real


Not to wound, but to awaken,

To show the path that’s unshaken

For some may flinch, their bubbles burst,

Yet truth remains, a quenching thirst


In the storm of triggered cries,

Stand tall, let integrity rise

Return the chaos, let it go,

Your peace is yours, let it flow


No need to dance in volatile games,

Or fuel the fire with your flames

For life is precious, time is gold,

Guard your spirit, let it unfold


Let them see, or let them fall,

You’ve done your part, you’ve given all

Walk away with head held high,

In truth and grace, let your spirit fly


For those who see, will understand,

The strength it takes to firmly stand

In a world of echoes, be the sound,

Of truth and love, profound and unbound


So, speak your truth, let it be heard,

In every action, in every word

For in the end, what truly remains,

Is a life of integrity, free from chains

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Check out some of our other poems:

-The Captain's Call

-Boundaries Bloom

-Heart of Gold and Steel's Resilience

-The Balance of Integrity

-The Path You Choose

-Living True and the Heart's Compass

-Sow Wisely

-Eyes to See, Ears to Hear

-Empathy with Integrity

-Actions Speak Louder

-Balance of Justice and Mercy

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