The Balance of Integrity

In the realm of choices, where paths intertwine

Integrity stands as a beacon, a sign

To choose what's right, with courage and grace

To hold others accountable, in this shared space


Understanding and kindness, virtues we hold dear

Yet actions have consequences, this truth is clear

Empathy's embrace, a balm for the soul

But justice and fairness must play their role


For in a world where harm goes unchecked

The balance of trust becomes wrecked

To forgive is divine, a noble art

Yet accountability must also play its part


In the dance of life, where actions unfold

We must weave a tapestry, both gentle and bold

To nurture the good, to challenge the wrong

To create a world where all can belong


Let not kindness be a cloak for deceit

Nor empathy a shield for those who mistreat

For integrity demands a steadfast stand

To hold accountable, with a guiding hand


In the garden of life, where choices bloom

Let integrity's light dispel the gloom

For in its glow, we find our way

To a world where justice and kindness hold sway


Let's choose integrity, with hearts open wide

To hold others accountable, with truth as our guide

For in this balance, we find our strength

To build a world of compassion, at length

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-The Power Within

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