A Whisper of Care

In the quiet moments of the day

A gentle whisper finds its way

A reminder that you're not alone

In this vast world, you're known


Even when the shadows loom

And solitude fills the room

There's a heart that beats for you

A soul that sees the good you do


Though you may walk a lonely road

Carrying life's heavy load

Know that someone, somewhere cares

And in your triumphs, they share


Every step you bravely take

Every choice you boldly make

Is a testament to your strength

A journey measured in life's length


The world may seem vast and cold

But within it, stories unfold

Of kindness, love, and gentle grace

That light the path you face


Keep moving, day by day

Let your spirit find its way

To become the best you can be

In a world that's waiting to see


Embrace the dawn with open arms

Let go of fear and false alarms

For in the tapestry of life

You're a thread that weaves delight


Remember, dear, you're never alone

In this universe, you're known

By hearts that beat in time with yours

Opening life's many doors


So, rise with courage, let it show

In every step, let your spirit grow

For you are cherished, loved, and bright

A beacon in the darkest night


May your days be filled with light

And your dreams take wondrous flight

For in this world, you truly matter

A soul that makes the universe better

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