In a world where walls divide and stand,
Let us reach out with an open hand
No longer foes on a battlefield,
But allies with hearts that refuse to yield
Listen closely, hear the call,
To build bridges where shadows fall
Conversations honest, open, and true,
Crafting solutions for me and you
Together we weave a tapestry bright,
Uniting our strengths, a powerful sight
Each voice a thread, unique and strong,
In harmony, where we all belong
Let us embrace the gifts we bring,
Talents that make our spirits sing
Knowledge shared, a beacon of light,
Guiding us through the darkest night
No longer shall we stand apart,
For unity is where we start
With respect and love, we forge the way,
Creating a world where hope holds sway
The time has come to break the chains,
To see beyond our own refrains
In unity, we find our grace,
Together, we can change this place
So, let us rise, hand in hand,
A united force across the land
For in our hearts, the truth we find,
Together, we can heal mankind

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