Balance of Justice and Mercy

In communities where we strive to be

Safe, respectful, and kind, with integrity

We build bridges of trust, strong and true

With honesty as the mortar, binding me and you


Yet in this tapestry of human grace

Mistakes are woven, leaving their trace

For we are human, flawed and frail

But justice and mercy must prevail


Forgiveness, acceptance, mercy's gentle hand

Guide us to understand, to take a stand

But not a free pass for those who stray

For the innocent must be shielded, come what may


Accountability is the cornerstone we lay

In the foundation of our community each day

For actions have consequences, this we know

And through this lens, our compassion must grow


Exclusive is the insight of a heart that's true

Balancing justice with mercy in all we do

For forgiveness does not mean forgetting the past

But learning and growing, ensuring peace will last


In the dance of life, we find our way

Through the shadows of night to the light of day

With open hearts and minds, we seek

A world where the strong protect the weak


So, let us build with care and might

A community that shines with radiant light

Where mistakes are lessons, not chains that bind

And in the balance of justice and mercy, we find


A place where all are free to be

Safe, respected, and living in harmony

For in this balance, we find our call

To protect, forgive, and uplift us all

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Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-Lessons Learned

-Boundaries Bloom

-Let Truth Shine

-Light of Liberty

-The Balance of Integrity

-In Search of Harmony and Self-Respect

-Sow Wisely

-Eyes to See, Ears to Hear

-Empathy with Integrity

-Your Energetic Harvest

-Actions Speak Louder

-Shed the Old

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