In a world where silence often reigns
Voices whisper, but truth remains
A gentle nudge, a quiet plea
To speak up, to set your spirit free
Respectful tones, yet firm and clear
Calling out the false, the insincere
For in the shadows truth may hide
But courage brings it to the light
No need for anger, no need for spite
Just honesty, a guiding light
To call a spade a spade, my friend
Is to begin where falsehoods end
In every heart, a voice resides
Waiting for the moment it decides
To rise above the noise and fear
And speak the words we long to hear
For truth is not a weapon, no
But a gentle breeze that helps us grow
It clears the air, it lights the way
And turns the night into the day
Let your voice be strong and true
Respectful, yet unwavering, too
For in the end it's what we say
That shapes the world in every way
Speak your truth, let it be known
In every word let courage be shown
For when we call out what is not
We find the peace that we have sought
In speaking up we find our place
A world where honesty has space
Let your voice be heard today
And never fear voicing the truth, as it lights the way

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