In the quiet moments of our days
Where brokenness is on display
Each crack a story, each break a tale
A testament to how we prevail
In the cracks of life, where pain resides
A hidden beauty often hides
Kintsugi, the art of mending
Turns brokenness into a new beginning
In life's relentless, hurried pace
We often forget to embrace
The breaks, the scars, the shattered parts
The golden seams within our hearts
The golden lacquer fills the cracks
A metaphor for what we lack
Not perfection, but a blend
Of broken pieces that transcend
For in the breaks, the cracks, the seams
Lies the essence of our dreams
A life that's mended, whole, and true
A masterpiece in golden hue
Embrace the breaks, the scars, the pain
For in them, you will find your gain
Kintsugi, the art of healing
Turns every wound into a new beginning
So, let us cherish every scar
For they reveal just who we are
A tapestry of gold
A testament to unfold

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