In shadows deep where sorrows dwell

Where silent cries and whispers tell

Of hearts that ache and spirits low

Where hope seems lost, and tears do flow


Reach out your hand, extend your grace

To lift the fallen, find their place

A simple act, a gentle touch

Can mean so much, can heal so much


In moments dark, when all seems lost

When life's harsh winds have tempest-tossed

Be the light, the guiding star

To show them they are loved, by far


A smile, a word, a listening ear

Can chase away the deepest fear

In giving, we receive so much

In helping, we find our own touch


When burdens weigh and spirits break

When life's cruel trials make hearts ache

Be the strength, the shoulder strong

To help them find where they belong


For in this world, we all must share

The weight of life, the love, the care

Together, we can rise above

With hands held tight in boundless love


So, when you see a soul in need

Do not ignore, do not mislead

Extend your hand, your heart, your time

And help them up, help them climb


For in this life, we all must learn

To give, to love, to take our turn

In helping others, we find our way

To brighter nights and better days

Want even more content about creativity and art?

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Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-Beyond Walls

-Returning Home

-Safe Haven and Where You Belong

-Find Your Tribe

-Ask for Help: You're Not a Burden

-Light in the Dark

-Silent Teachers: Guided by Trials

-Whispers in the Dark

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