In the garden of life, where paths intertwine

There comes a moment to draw the line

When kindness fades and shadows grow

It's time to decide when to say no


The heart is a vessel, tender and true

Yet not all who seek deserve a view

When words turn sharp and actions sting

It's time to reclaim your own inner spring


Why give your light to those who drain?

To those who bring only heartache and pain

Your time is precious, your energy rare

Guard it fiercely, with utmost care


In the dance of life, not all are kind

Some leave you weary, some leave you blind

When respect is lost and love turns cold

It's time to be brave, to be bold


Let not the toxic steal your grace

Or leave you lost in a darkened place

Stand firm, stand tall, let your spirit soar

For you are worthy of so much more


The art of saying no is a gift

A gentle nudge, a necessary shift

To free your soul from burdens unkind

And leave the weight of the past behind


In the silence of no, find your peace

A sacred space where troubles cease

For in the refusal, you find your might

A beacon of hope, a guiding light


So, when the world demands too much

And your heart feels out of touch

Remember this truth, let it be your guide

To say no is to honor the self inside


Embrace the power of your own voice

In the symphony of life, make your choice

To give your time to those who care

And let go of those who bring despair


For in the end, it's your life to live

To cherish, to nurture, to freely give

But only to those who lift you high

And paint your world with a brighter sky

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Check out some of our other poems:

-Embrace Bliss

-Embrace the Quiet

-Choose Love, Choose You

-The Power of Pause

-The Essence of Joy

-Peace in the Pause

-Fill Your Cup

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