Life is a Mirror

Treat others how you wish to be treated

That’s the Golden Rule

Yes, this advice should be heeded

Because your actions are reflected back to you

Life always gives you what you have sent out

The universe is a mirror

This is without a doubt

The more we experience, this becomes ever clearer

As above, so below, as within, so without

How you think, act, and feel

Is returned back to you, never going off route

This mirroring is, indeed, very much real

If you seek kindness, love, and abundance

Give it freely out to others

You will never receive it with reluctance

For in reality we are all sisters and brothers

If you choose lies and cruelty

Expect the same to be returned

After all, karma is life’s fluency

You reap what you sow, as far as the universe is concerned

Who you are and how you act truly matters

This directs the course of your life, all in all

It decides whether life is abundant or in shatters

It’s time to wake up, be aware; it’s no time to stall

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