In the shadows of routine, we tread
Where dreams lie dormant, nearly dead
We shuffle through the days, unseen
Forgetting what it means to dream
Yet, life whispers in the quiet night
There's more to see beyond your sight.
A spark ignites, a hidden flame
A call to rise above the same
Why settle for the mundane grind
When wonders wait for those who find?
The courage to step out, explore
To seek what life has still in store
In every sunrise, there's a chance
To break away, to start the dance
The rhythm of a heart set free
To live, to love, to simply be
The world is vast, with paths untold
Where stories wait to be unrolled
Each step you take, a new delight
A journey bathed in morning light
Why cling to fears that hold you back
When courage lights the darkest track?
The road ahead is yours to claim
With every heartbeat, fan the flame
The echoes of the past may call
But don't let them build your wall
For life is more than yesterdays
It's found in new and wondrous ways
The laughter shared, the tears we cry
The moments when we touch the sky
These are the gems that life bestows
In every high, in every low
Dare to dream, to chase the sun
To find the joy in every run
For life is more than just a race
It's found in every warm embrace
The love we give, the love we gain
The sunshine after every rain
These are the treasures life imparts
To those who live with open hearts
In the end, when all is done
You'll find your life has just begun
For those who seek, who dare to see
Will find the key to truly be
So, rise above the daily grind
And leave the mundane far behind
For life is waiting, just for you
To live, to love, to start anew

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