Life is a precious gift
Over in the blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things
Setting our souls adrift
The physical realm no longer pulling all the strings
Life is something sacred
Bestowed upon us from Divine love
It’s not something to be taken for granted or wasted
We must recognize the Divine sanctity of which we all are of
Love is the higher power
Allowing us to rise above adversity
Right now is the decisive hour
Where we can find clarity and tenacity
They say we reach heaven in pairs
We’re walking each other back home, hand in hand
This loving selflessness, nothing else compares
It’s time for us to learn, grow, and finally understand
They say heave is the afterlife; it’s where we will move on
That’s a concept to contemplate
Perhaps it’s not a place we arrive thereupon
Maybe it’s a simple as our mental state

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