Life is a mix of experiences, pain and pleasure

It’s often viewed in the dual lens of good or bad

But when it all comes together

There’s truly something to be had


There is no day without night

No warm without cold

While not all experiences are a delight

There’s a message, a lesson waiting to be told


It’s the darkest moments we grow the most

It’s where we shine our brightest

These periods of struggle and challenge act as teacher and host

They offer vital insight from the Highest


People love rainbows; that much is true

But to see a rainbow you need both sunshine and the rain

Putting forth the effort is done by a few

But experiencing the rainbow is what all wish to obtain


Each experience holds significance

If we keep an open mind to the Divine and the new

When we find ourselves in darkness, by chance

We might learn we are planted by spiritual design, waiting to bloom

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-Embrace Bliss

-Butterfly Transformation

-Seeing and Believing

-Bountiful Universe

-Recognizing the Divine

-Look for the Silver Lining

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