In the quiet corners of your heart
Where whispers of doubt often start
Lies the strength to say no, to stand tall
To prioritize yourself, once and for all
When others demand and drain your soul
Remember, self-care is your ultimate goal
It's not selfish to guard your peace
To let go of burdens and find release
In the garden of life, you are the rose
Blooming brightly, despite the woes
Don't let the weeds of mistreatment grow
Nourish your spirit, let your true self show
Saying no is a powerful art
A declaration of love for your own heart
It's the boundary that keeps you whole
The shield that protects your precious soul
When the world pulls you in every direction
Pause, breathe, and make a connection
To the inner voice that knows your worth
To the joy and peace you deserve on this earth
Embrace the freedom that comes with no
Let it guide you where you need to go
For in the act of prioritizing you
Lies the path to a life that's truly true
Stand firm, let your no be heard
It's a song of self-love, a beautiful word
In the tapestry of life, weave your own thread
With courage and grace, move ahead
In the silence that follows, you'll find
A world of possibilities, unconfined
A life where you flourish, where you grow
All because you had the courage to say no

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