Life has become a mismatch of labels and comfort zones—cozy and secure
Everything in order, ducks in a row; boxed up neat and tidy
This comfort ends up leaving life’s purpose all obscure
And makes change feeling all the more unsightly
Never trying anything new
We go about our routine lives
Commit to something out of the blue?
We’re not interested in surprise
This stagnant pattern sucks creativity dry
We cling desperately to our known habits
We keep the known, the “safe,” in high supply
We don’t want to rock the boat, disrupt the social status
The unknown gets deemed too scary
We remain curled in our box
We could become legendary
If we just remove these blocks
Venture into the unknown—it’s full of possibility
Yes, there’s change, but change holds growth
You never know what could be with life’s versatility
It’s vast and abundant so don’t be loath
Remaining the same will not lead to happiness
People are ever changing
Remember life can be instantaneous
The unknown, never dull, is rather entertaining
Trust the process; dare to embark onward
Be all you dream to be to set you free
Maintain your spiritual growth, continuously moving forward
The unknown and change will help set you free—that’s guaranteed

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