In shadows cast by doubt's embrace
Lies a strength you must face
A whisper in the silent night
Telling you to rise, take flight
The chains you wear, self-imposed
Are but illusions, juxtaposed
With the power that lies within
Waiting for your journey to begin
Why do you linger in the past?
When the future calls, majestic and vast
The universe, your guiding star
Reminds you of who you truly are
Release the habits that bind you tight
Step into the warmth of your own light
Trust in the timing, divine and true
For the path ahead is meant for you
The leaves of doubt, let them fall
Embrace your power, stand tall
For in the letting go, you'll find
The fearless self, unconfined
The universe whispers, "You are free"
To become all you're meant to be
With every step, with every breath
You move closer to your truest depth
So, cast aside the shadows of old
Embrace the new, be bold
For you are powerful, you are strong
In this journey, you belong

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