In shadows deep, where thoughts reside

A spark of truth begins to glide

Awareness calls, a gentle plea

To open eyes and truly see


The world around, so vast, so wide

Yet often, we choose to hide

In comfort zones, we stay confined

Blind to the wonders we could find


A whisper soft, a silent nudge

Urging us to leave the sludge

Of past regrets and future fears

To live in now, where truth appears


The present moment, pure and bright

Holds the secrets of our light

In every breath, a chance to be

Aware, alive, and truly free


Let  us shed the veils we wear

And face the world with hearts laid bare

For in awareness, we will find

A deeper love for humankind


With open hearts and minds so clear

We'll navigate through joy and fear

For life is rich with gifts untold

When we embrace it, brave and bold


In every sunrise, every night

Awareness brings a new delight

To see the world through eyes anew

Is to live a life that's truly true


So, let’s cherish every day

And let awareness light our way

For in this state, we truly thrive

Awake, aware, and fully alive

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-Look for the Silver Lining

-Listen to Your Heart

-Let Go and Trust

-Leap of Faith: Journey to Growth

-Grow Together

-Purpose of Hardship

-A Beacon Bright

-A New Dawn for You

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