In the maze of life, feeling lost and stuck
Grasping at shadows, out of sheer luck
The path once clear, now shrouded in mist
Dreams once vivid, now barely exist
The heart feels heavy, the mind in a bind
Seeking direction, yet nothing to find
But in this darkness, a whisper calls
Release the old, let the new enthrall
Why hold on to what no longer serves?
Why cling to fears, to doubts and reserves?
The past is a teacher, but not a chain
Let go of the sorrow, the guilt, the pain
In the quiet moments, when all seems lost
Remember the lessons, but count not the cost
For every ending, a new start awaits
Beyond the horizon, through life's open gates
The sun will rise, even after the storm
Bringing warmth and light, a new day born
Trust in the journey, with all its twists
For every shadow, there's light that persists

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