In the quiet corners of my mind

Awkward moments I often find

Cringey echoes from the past

Memories that seem to last


Why do I replay every scene

Where all the cringe, awkwardness, and dread convene?

Words I wish I could unsay

Actions that led me astray


Yet, in these moments, I must see

A part of what makes me, me

For every cringe and awkward pause

There's a lesson, a hidden cause


Embrace the awkward, let it be

A testament to authenticity

For in the awkward, we find grace

A chance to grow, a new embrace


Let the cringe be a gentle guide

To the person I am inside

For every stumble, every fall

Is a step towards standing tall


So, here's to the awkward, the cringey, the weird

To the moments we once feared

For in them lies a beauty rare

A journey of self-love and care


Let them fall, those awkward fears

And in their place, let courage appear

For in the end, it's clear to see

Awkwardness is a part of me

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