Wandering paths unknown, we often tread
With hearts uncertain, filled with dread
Yet, in these twists and turns we find
A world of wonders, unconfined
Lost in the maze of life's grand scheme
We chase the shadows of a dream
But is being lost a curse or boon?
A chance to dance beneath the moon?
In moments where the road seems bleak
We find the strength we seldom seek
For in the detours, we uncover
The hidden truths we must discover
The straight and narrow, though it seems
A path to all our hopes and dreams
May rob us of the scenic view
The vibrant hues, the morning dew
Let us wander, let us roam,
For in the unknown, we find our home
The detours, though they may perplex
Are but life's way to gently flex
The rigid plans we often make
May bend and twist, may even break
But in the fragments, we will see
The boundless realms of possibility
For every step that's off the course
Is guided by a hidden force
A force that knows just where we need
To plant the seeds that will succeed
Fear not when the path is lost
For every detour has its cost
But in the end, the journey's worth
The trials, the tears, the newfound mirth
Let us cherish every twist
For in the detours, we exist
A life that's rich, a life that's full
Is found in paths that gently pull
Away from what we thought we knew
Into a world that's fresh and new
For being lost is not a plight
But an invitation to take flight

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