In the dance of life we often hold tight

Grasping at shadows, fearing the night

Yet in our clutch, we lose the grace

Of life's gentle rhythm, its natural pace


We build our castles on shifting sand

Trying to mold life with a firm hand

But the more we force, the more we find

The beauty of life slips from our mind


In the river of time let yourself drift

Allow the current to be your gift

For in surrender we find our way

To live authentically, day by day


The trees teach us with every fall

To release the old, to heed the call

Of seasons changing, of life anew

A lesson in letting go for me and you


Why bind ourselves with needless curves?

Learn to release what no longer serves

In letting go we find our flight

In the freedom of day, in the peace of night


The universe whispers, "Trust the flow"

In every breeze, in every glow

For life unfolds in its own sweet time

A symphony of moments, a perfect rhyme


So, let go of the need to control

Embrace the journey, heart and soul

For in the flow we truly find

The beauty of life, unconfined

Want even more content about creativity and art?

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Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-The Dance of Balance

-Let Go and Trust

-Embracing the Tides of Life

-Delight in the Detours

-Let Them Drift

-Riding These Wild Waves

-Follow Your Heart's Whisper

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