In the quiet moments of the night
When shadows dance in soft moonlight
A heart beats with a silent plea
To feel, to breathe, to simply be
We wear our masks, our faces bright
Hiding tears from the world's sight
But in the depths, emotions churn
A fire within that yearns to burn
Why do we fear the storm inside?
Why from our feelings do we hide?
To be human is to feel
To let the wounds of life reveal
Let the tears fall like gentle rain
Washing away the hidden pain
For in each drop, a story lies
A truth unveiled, no more disguise
Each tear a testament to love
A gift from the heavens above
For in our sorrow, joy is found
In the silence, a profound sound
The heart, it knows the way to heal
To mend the wounds, to make us real
So let the rain cleanse your soul
And make you once again whole
In the embrace of the storm
We find a place that's safe and warm
For in the chaos, there is peace
A sweet release, a gentle cease
Do not fear the storm within
For it is where true life begins
In the rain, we find our grace
A tender, loving, warm embrace
Let the rain fall, let it pour
For it is what our hearts implore
To feel, to breathe, to simply be
In the rain, we are set free

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