Fertile for New Beginnings
In the quiet whispers of dawn's gentle light
Lies a fertile ground, ready for flight
Trust your heart, let intuition guide
For new ventures await, with arms open wide
The soil is rich, with dreams untold
A tapestry of stories, waiting to unfold
Resourcefulness blooms, like flowers in spring
Each idea a seed, with the promise to bring
The universe hums, a symphony of grace
Abundance and well-being, in every space
Possibilities dance, like stars in the night
Guiding your path, with a radiant light
Let go of the past, like leaves in the breeze
Embrace the new, with effortless ease
For the ground is fertile, ripe with chance
A canvas of life, inviting you to dance
The heart knows the way, with wisdom profound
In the silence, its voice is found
Trust in the journey, with courage and might
For the universe is ready, to bless your flight
In the garden of dreams, where hopes reside
Plant your intentions, with love as your guide
Nurture the seeds, with patience and care
And watch as your dreams blossom, beyond compare
The dawn of a new chapter, awaits your embrace
With open arms, and a gentle grace
For the fertile ground, is ready to yield
A harvest of dreams, in life's vast field
So, trust in your heart, and let it lead
For the universe is ready, to meet your need
With abundance and joy, in every breath
A fertile ground for new beginnings, beyond death
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Check out some of our other poems:
-Nurture the Garden of Your Dreams
-The Promise of New Beginnings