In the garden of your mind, where dreams reside
Attention is the water, the sun, the guide
What you nurture, what you tend
Is the very thing that will ascend
The seeds you plant, the thoughts you sow
Are the roots of what will grow
Focus on the weeds, and they will spread
But turn to the flowers, and joy will be fed
The grass is greener where you choose to care
Where love and hope fill the air
Neglect the soil, and it turns to dust
But with tender hands, it blooms with trust
Emotions whisper, a compass true
Guiding you to skies of blue
Feel the warmth, the joy, the light
And know you're on the path that's right
Release the grip on what you fear
Let go of shadows that appear
For in the light of what you seek
Lies the strength that makes you unique
The heart knows where it wants to go
Follow its rhythm, let it flow
For in the dance of dreams and fate
You'll find the keys to your own gate
So, focus on what brings you peace
Where laughter and love never cease
For in the garden of your soul
Is the power to make you whole
Where your attention and energy goes
Is the place where your true self shows
Water the dreams, let them rise
And watch your spirit touch the skies

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