In shadows deep, where comfort lies

A world unseen, beneath the skies

We cling to what we know so well

Afraid to leave our cozy shell


Yet growth awaits in realms unknown

Where seeds of wisdom have been sown

To step beyond the line of fear

Is where true learning will appear


A whisper calls from distant lands

Inviting us to take a stand

To venture forth, to dare and dream

To wade into the unknown stream


For in the depths of what we dread

New paths of knowledge lie ahead

The heart expands, the mind will grow

In places where we fear to go


So let us cast aside our doubt

And find what life is all about

For in the end, the greatest prize

Is found beyond our comfort's ties


To step into discomfort's reign

Is where we break the binding chain

And in that space, we find our might

Our inner flame, our guiding light


So, take the leap, embrace the fall

For growth and learning, heed the call

In stepping out, we find our way

To brighter, bolder, better days

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Check out some of our other poems:

-No More Waiting

-Seeing and Believing

-Venture into the Unknown

-Embracing Uncertainty

-Let Go and Trust

-Let Them Flow

-Navigating the Maze

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