In the quiet of the night, emotions rise
A storm within, no need for disguise
Tears, like raindrops, begin to show
It's okay, my friend, just let them flow
Holding back, a dam within
A battle fought, but hard to win
Why hide the pain, the sorrow deep?
Embrace the tears, let your heart weep
In the mirror, see your face
A canvas of emotions, a sacred space
Each tear a story, a tale untold
A journey of feelings, brave and bold
Don't fear the tears, don't turn away
They cleanse the soul, they light the way
In every drop, a piece of you
A testament to all you've been through
In the arms of night, let tears be free
A river of feelings, let them be
For in the flow, you'll find your peace
A gentle release, a sweet release
No shame in tears, no need to hide
They're a part of you, a source of pride
Embrace the flow, let feelings show
In the dance of tears, let your heart glow
So let them flow, those tears of yours
Unlock the heart, open the doors
For in the tears, you'll find your way
A path to healing, a brighter day
In the embrace of tears, find your strength
A journey of feelings, at any length
For it's okay to cry, to let it show
In the river of tears, let your heart grow

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