In shadows deep, where fears reside

A glimmer shines, a hope inside

Through trials faced and battles fought

A beacon calls, a lesson taught


When darkness seems to close around

And silence is the only sound

Remember this, a truth so bright

Even in the darkest night


A spark of hope, a flicker small

Can guide you through, can lift the pall

For every storm that rages wild

A calm awaits, a gentle smile


In moments when you feel alone

And every path is overgrown

Look within, and you will find

A strength that's always been entwined


With every tear and every sigh

A rainbow forms within the sky

For light and dark, they dance as one

A balance struck, a race well run


So when the world seems cold and gray

And all your dreams have flown away

Hold fast to hope, let courage grow

For in the dark, the light will show


Embrace the night, for it will pass

And dawn will break, as clear as glass

With every step, a journey starts

A light within, a thousand hearts


For even in the deepest gloom

A seed of hope begins to bloom

And from the shadows, you will rise

To find the light, to claim the prize


Trust in life, and let it be

For in the dark, you'll always see

A path ahead, a guiding star

To lead you home, no matter how far


In every heart, a light does dwell

A story only time will tell

So, face the dark, and you will find

A brighter day, a peaceful mind


For in the end, it's clear to see

That light and dark, they both agree

To shape our lives, to make us whole

To find the light within our soul

Want even more content about creativity and art?

Be sure to check out all of our creative chronicles!

Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-Venture into the Unknown

-Listen to Your Heart

-Navigating the Storm Within

-Embracing Uncertainty

-Let Go and Trust

-Ask for Help: You're Not a Burden

-Let Them Flow

-Navigating the Maze

-Leap of Faith: Journey to Growth

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