In the quiet of the night, shadows creep
Anxiety whispers secrets, dark and deep
Heartbeats echo like a distant drum
Mind races, thoughts become a hum
Overwhelmed by the weight of unseen chains
A tempest of worries, a torrent of pains
Yet within the storm, a light does gleam
A beacon of hope, a guiding dream
Breathe in deeply, let the tension go
Feel the calm in the gentle flow
Embrace the present, let the past recede
In this moment, find the peace you need
When the world feels heavy, and burdens grow
Remember, within you, a strength does flow
Each breath a promise, each sigh a release
In the chaos, find your inner peace
Close your eyes, let the darkness fade
In the silence, let your fears be swayed
Visualize a place where you feel free
A sanctuary of tranquility
The mind, a garden, where thoughts can bloom
Tend to it gently, dispel the gloom
Plant seeds of kindness, water with care
Watch as serenity fills the air

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