In the quiet corners of your soul
Where whispers of doubt often patrol
A voice, gentle yet strong, resides
Yearning to break free, no longer to hide
The world may try to hush your song
Claiming your melody doesn't belong
But within you lies a symphony rare
A truth so vibrant, beyond compare
Stand tall, let your essence be known
In the garden of life, let your seeds be sown
For every word you speak, every truth you share
Is a beacon of light, a breath of fresh air
Respectfully, with grace, let your voice be heard
In a world that often silences the absurd
For it's in the diversity of thought we find
The beauty of humanity, intertwined
Join hands with others, hearts open wide
Together, we can turn the tide
For when we unite, our voices blend
Creating a harmony that knows no end
Speak your truth, let it shine
In the tapestry of life, you're a vital line
With courage and love, let your spirit soar
For in being true to yourself, you open the door
To a world where all voices are free
Where respect and kindness are the key
Together, we'll build a future bright
Where every soul can bask in the light
So, let your truth be your guiding star
In the journey of life, you'll travel far
For in staying true, you'll find your way
To a world where love and truth hold sway

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