In the shadows where doubts reside

Where dreams seem lost, and hopes collide

Remember, dear heart, the sun's still there

Though clouds may hide its golden glare


In the darkest night, when stars seem few

The moon reflects a light that's true

The sun's embrace, though out of sight

Guides the moon through the velvet night


Hold fast to faith, let courage steer

For brighter days are drawing near

The path may twist, the road may bend

But every journey finds its end


The sun's warm glow will break the dawn

And chase away the night withdrawn

Its light will touch the earth anew

And paint the sky in vibrant hue


When the storm clouds gather round

And silence is the only sound

Remember, in the heart of gloom

The sun still shines, dispelling doom


Let not your spirit fade or tire

For deep within, there's a burning fire

A beacon bright, a guiding light

To lead you through the darkest night


The sun's promise is a steadfast vow

To rise again, to show you how

To keep your dreams within your sight

And fill your world with endless light


Trust the journey, trust the way

For every night will birth a day

The sun still shines, though hidden now

Its warmth will touch your heart somehow


Embrace the hope, let faith remain

For after every storm, there's gain

The sun still shines, its light will show

The path to take, the way to go


In every shadow, in every tear

The sun's bright promise will appear

To guide you through, to lift your soul

And make your weary spirit whole


So, hold on tight, don't lose your way

For brighter skies await the day

The sun still shines, its light will find

A way to heal your heart and mind

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Be sure to check out all of our creative chronicles!

Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-Look for the Silver Lining

-Light in the Dark

-A Beacon Bright

-From Darkness to Dawn

-Be the Light

-Finding Light in the Storm

-Ripples of Light

-Let Light Be Your Guide

-The Light Will Always Shine

-Light's Unyielding Triumph

-Empathy with Integrity

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