In the shadows, they weave their tales

Demanding your light, their whims prevail

Yet your spirit knows its own song

A melody that’s been there all along


They stomp and shout, seeking control

But your heart knows its destined role

To guard the boundaries you’ve set

A fortress of self you won’t forget


Their tantrums rise like stormy seas

Hoping to bring you to your knees

But you stand firm, a mountain tall

Unafraid to let their illusions fall


Your voice, a beacon in the night

Guides you through their blinding plight

For only you can chart your course

And steer away from their false force


Let them wail, let them cry

Their noise is but a fleeting sigh

For you are the master of your fate

And their chaos cannot dictate


In the quiet strength you find

A peace that echoes in your mind

A knowing that you hold the key

To live your truth and truly be free


Their discontent is not your own

Their anger is a seed unsown

You owe them nothing but your grace

As you walk your path, your rightful place


So, speak your truth, let it be heard

In every action, in every word

For boundaries are your sacred ground

A testament to the strength you’ve found


Let them fall, those who oppose

Your journey is yours, and it only grows

With every step, with every breath

You honor yourself, and that’s true wealth


In the end, you’ll find your peace

A life of joy, a sweet release

From those who sought to bind your wings

You rise above, where freedom sings

Want even more content about creativity and art?

Be sure to check out all of our creative chronicles!

Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-Boundaries Bloom

-Stand Tall

-Unyielding Spirit

-The Power of No

-Stand True in the Storm

-Strength Within

-Inward Bound

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