In a world where chaos reigns and shadows loom
Your inner light shines, dispelling the gloom
Amidst the noise and the clamor of the day
Stay true to yourself, let your spirit sway
Others may cast their shadows, dark and wide
But remember, their struggles are theirs to abide
Their negativity is not your burden to bear
Your worth is untouched, beyond compare
Cut the cords that bind you to despair
Release the ties that drain, the games unfair
Let go of the toxic, the manipulative snare
You deserve relationships that uplift and care
Empower your journey with kindness and grace
Even when adversity stares you in the face
Choose authenticity, let your true self shine
In the darkest of times, let your heart align
The world may be chaotic, but your light is unwavering
A beacon of hope, a source of unwavering savoring
Embrace the clarity, the insights that guide
Let your inner brilliance be your trusted tide
Why cling to what no longer serves your soul?
Release the burdens, let your spirit be whole
Like trees shedding leaves in the autumn breeze
Embrace the cycle, let go with ease
For in the letting go, new life will bloom
A garden of possibilities, dispelling the gloom
The future holds gifts, waiting to be revealed
But only when the past is lovingly healed
Stay true to you, let your light be your guide
In a world of chaos, let your spirit abide
For you are a beacon, a source of light
In the darkest of nights, you shine so bright

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