In the mirror, reflections may lie

Whispering doubts that cloud the sky

But pause, breathe deep, and see the light

Not every shadow is yours to fight


When voices rise, casting blame

Pointing fingers, calling your name

Remember, not all burdens are yours

Sometimes it's others closing doors


The world spins tales of guilt and shame

Yet not every story bears your name

In the chaos, find your ground

Not every fault is yours to be found


Let go of chains that aren't your own

Release the weight, the seeds they've sown

For in the heart where truth resides

You'll find the peace that never hides


The world may try to dim your glow

But deep inside, you truly know

Not every storm is yours to weather

Sometimes it's others who must tether


In the dance of life, step with grace

Not every misstep is yours to face

Hold your head high, let courage lead

For in your strength, you'll plant the seed


Of knowing when to stand your ground

And when to let the echoes sound

For in the end, the truth will rise

And you'll find peace beneath the skies


So when the world seems harsh and cold

Remember, not every story told

Is yours to carry, yours to mend

Sometimes it's others who must bend


In the tapestry of life, be bold

Let your story, your truth unfold

For in the light of your own song

You'll find the strength to carry on

Want even more content about creativity and art?

Be sure to check out all of our creative chronicles!

Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-Let Them Fall

-You Are Not Your Past

-Navigating the Storm Within

-Embrace the Gold

-Light in the Dark

-Rising from the Depths


-A Wounded Soul and Shattered Dreams

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