Your Energetic Harvest

Your Energetic Harvest

In the garden of your soul seeds are sown

Each thought, each choice, a seed of its own

What you water, what you tend

Becomes the harvest you defend


Focus on vengeance, anger, and spite

And watch your garden lose its light

These seeds of darkness, though they seem small

Can grow into shadows that cover all


Like drinking poison, expecting another to fall

These emotions harm you most of all

They cloud your vision, they steal your peace

From their grip, you must release


Instead, plant seeds of kindness and grace

Let love and joy take their place

Nurture patience, let compassion grow

And watch your garden overflow


For what you focus on, surely grows

And in time, your harvest shows

The fruits of your labor, the seeds you’ve sown

Reflect the life you’ve truly known


Be mindful of your energy, your thoughts, your heart

For they shape your world, they play their part

In the tapestry of life, you weave each thread

Choose colors of hope, not those of dread


Let go of the anger, the pettiness, the hate

For they are weights that suffocate

Embrace the light, let your spirit soar

And find the peace you’ve been searching for


In the end, the choice is yours to make

What kind of garden will you create?

Will you reap a harvest of joy and love?

Or let the weeds of negativity shove?


The power is within, the choice is clear

To cultivate a life that’s sincere

So, tend your garden with care and grace

And watch your spirit find its place

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-Embrace the Rain

-The Promise of Spring

-The Essence of Joy

-Fill Your Cup

-Shine On Authentically

-Where Your Focus Blooms

-Nurture the Garden of Your Dreams

-Follow Your Joy

-The Sun Still Shines

-Surround Yourself With Light

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