In the forest of voices where whispers sway
Many paths are offered in the light of day
Yet the heart knows its rhythm its own gentle beat
Guiding the steps of your wandering feet
The world may shout, with its clamor and noise
Dictating choices, offering borrowed joys
But within lies a compass, steadfast and true
Pointing the way to the essence of you
Why let others decide the dreams you should chase
When your soul holds the map to your own sacred place
The journey is yours with its twists and its bends
A story unfolding where the heart never pretends
Listen closely to the whispers of your soul
For it knows the path that will make you whole
In the silence find courage to stand tall
And let the truth of your spirit be your call
The world may tempt with its glitter and gold
But the treasures within are the ones to hold
In the quiet moments, discern what is real
And let your choices reflect what you truly feel
For life is a canvas, painted with dreams
A tapestry woven with your own unique seams
Trust in your heart, let it lead the way
And create a life that is yours, come what may
In the end it's your story to write
With chapters of courage, love, and light
So, choose your own path, let your spirit soar
And be true to yourself, forevermore

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