Fear is a liar

It’s False Evidence Appearing Real

It consumes all rational thought and truth in deceptive fire

It skews your reality into the surreal


Fear is the true pandemic

Robbing you of your peace of mind

Spreading anxiety and fear are so systemic

It’s how this matrix was designed


The thing is, it’s not true

Life was not meant to be this way

This fearful society needs to undergo review

The time is now before there’s even more decay


Sure, things fear professes could, indeed, occur

But it’s more the power of thought

That’s how these events incur

What you focus on is what in reality becomes begot


Fear lowers your immunity

Meaning increased likelihood of getting sick

It utilizes this opportunity

Weakened defenses do just the trick


Be mindful of your state

Emotions are mere guests

They influence the reality you create

Reclaiming your power is a simpler task than society suggests

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