In the shadows of a heart so bold
Lies a tale of stories untold
Grasping tightly to the past's embrace
Blind to the beauty of a new space
Feigning joy in a world so bent
Missing the wonders that life has sent
The future's path, a mystery shrouded
Yet gifts abound, though often clouded
But your soul, burdened and full
With echoes of a time grown dull
No room for dreams anew
Or the wonders life has in view
Why not open your eyes to see
The boundless potential of being free?
Why hold onto the toxic ties
When such bonds only tell you lies?
Familiar as these chains may seem
You are destined for a brighter dream
Why cling to those who drain your light?
Those who thrive on endless fight
Letting go of the weight they bring
Is the key to your soul's true spring
Once they served, but now they bind
You are meant for a life unconfined
Nature knows the dance of time
Leaves fall, making way for the sublime
Old ties, they release with grace
So new life can take its place
The cycle of renewal, a promise kept
The dawn of spring, a secret adept
You can linger in the shadows of old
But miss the treasures waiting to unfold
Life's a tapestry, rich and grand
With chapters written by your own hand
A life of meaning, above all
Let those burdens finally fall

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-Letting Go for New Beginnings
-Beyond Shoulds: A Journey to True Happiness