In the heart of the forest where whispers reside
Lies a force of nature, fierce and untied
A flicker, a spark, a dance in the night
A beauty so wild, yet fraught with fright
Fire, the ancient, the primal, the bold
A story of warmth, of tales untold
Yet heed this warning, let it be clear
Disrespect the flame, and disaster draws near
A candle's soft glow, a hearth's gentle heat
A campfire's embrace, where stories meet
These are the gifts, the comforts we seek
But mishandle the flame, and havoc will speak
In the hills, forest, fields, and mountains where the sun shines bright
Wild fires roared fiercely, creating a terrible sight
Homes turned to ash, lives torn apart
A reminder of nature's untamed heart
Respect the flame, for it knows no bounds
It dances with joy, then devastates towns
A force to be harnessed, with care and with grace
Or it will consume all in its fiery embrace
The embers that smolder, the smoke that ascends
A warning to all, a message it sends
Treat fire with caution, with reverence and care
Or face the destruction that none can repair
For fire is life, but also can take
A lesson to learn, for all our sake
Handle with wisdom, with thought and with heart
Or watch as the world is torn apart
Let us remember, in all that we do
To honor the flame, to keep it in view
For in its warm glow, we find our delight
But disrespect the fire, and it will ignite
In the ashes of loss, let wisdom arise
A call to respect, to open our eyes
For fire is a gift, a force to admire
But never forget, it demands we conspire
To treat it with honor, with care and with love
A dance with the flame, like a hand in a glove
For only with respect, can we truly aspire
To live in harmony with the power of fire

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