In the depths of night, where shadows creep

A soul once vibrant, now struggles to sleep

The weight of sorrow, a heavy shroud

Silencing whispers, once so loud


Yet within the darkness, a spark remains

A glimmer of hope through the deepest pains

For even in the bleakest, darkest night

The dawn will come, bringing light


Through tears that fall like endless rain

A heart begins to heal from pain

Each drop a testament to the fight

A journey from darkness into light


The road is long, the path unclear

But courage grows, dispelling fear

With every step, a burden lifts

Revealing life's hidden gifts


The mind, once clouded, starts to see

The beauty in life's simplicity

A sunrise, a smile, a gentle breeze

Moments of joy, putting the heart at ease


Though scars remain, they tell a tale

Of battles fought, where strength prevailed

For in the struggle, resilience is found

A spirit unbroken, standing its ground


No longer bound by chains of despair

A soul emerges, breathing fresh air

With every breath, a new beginning

A testament to the power of winning


For in the end, it's clear to see

The strength within, the will to be free

From shadows rising, a phoenix takes flight

Embracing the dawn, welcoming the light

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Check out some of our other poems:

-Light in the Dark

-Whispers in the Dark

-A Beacon Bright

-A New Dawn for You

-Heart of the Quest

-Awareness Awakened

-Reaching Your Pinnacle

-Delight in the Detours

-Let Them Drift

-The Courage to Choose

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