In the quiet corners of your mind
Where shadows and whispers intertwine
Who decides the path you tread
The voices outside or the heart you've fed
Nature's call or nurture's embrace
The world’s harsh words or your own grace
Do you believe the lies they weave
Or the truth your soul dares to conceive?
The echoes of slander, the gaslighting's glare
Do they define you, or do you dare
To rise above the noise and see
The person you are meant to be?
Others may try to shape your fate
With words of malice, hearts of slate
But deep within, a fire burns bright
Guiding you through the darkest night
The choice is yours, to stand or fall
To heed the truth or heed the call
Of those who seek to bring you down
Or wear your own self-crafted crown
In the dance of nature and nurture's sway
Find your rhythm, find your way
For you are the author of your own tale
Not the whispers that wish you to fail
The mirror reflects what you choose to see
A canvas of potential, wild and free
Do not let others paint your hue
For the artist of your life is you
Break the chains of doubt and fear
Embrace the voice that you hold dear
For in the end, it’s you who decides
The path you walk, the truth that guides
Let not the lies define your core
For you are destined for so much more
In the silence, hear your heart's call
And rise above it all
In the battle of voices, choose your own
For in your heart, the truth is sown
Stand tall, let your spirit soar
And be the person you adore
The world may try to tell you who
But only you can decide what's true
In the tapestry of life, weave your thread
And let your spirit be your guide instead

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