In the quiet of the jasmine tea's embrace

Lies wisdom profound, a gentle grace

Wonderful mentor with his heart so wide

Guides us through life's tumultuous tide


He speaks of balance, the harmony of four

Elements that dance, forevermore

Earth, water, fire, and air

In their unity we find care


The journey of life, a winding stream

Not always as simple as it may seem

Yet his words, like a soothing balm

Bring us peace, a sense of calm


He teaches us to let go of hate

To find love, before it's too late

In every cup of tea a lesson lies

A reminder to open our hearts and eyes


The strength of a dragon, the wisdom of age

In every story he turns a page

With laughter and warmth he lights the way

Guiding us through night to day


In the garden of life he plants the seed

Of kindness and courage, the virtues we need

To face our fears, to rise above

To live a life filled with love


The power of patience, the art of the pause

In every moment he finds the cause

To teach us to breathe, to take it slow

To find the path we need to go


In the quiet moments, when the world is still

His wisdom echoes, a gentle thrill

A reminder that life, in all its strife

Is a journey of growth, a dance of life


Let us listen with open hearts

To the wisdom he so freely imparts

For in his words we find the key

To live our lives, wild and free

Want even more content about creativity and art?

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Love writing and poetry?

Check out some of our other poems:

-The Dance of Balance

-Embrace the Quiet

-Let Go and Trust

-Extend a Hand

-Let Truth Shine

-Pick Your Path

-Grace in the Storm

-The Tapestry of Life

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